Welcome to MedCast, the podcast from MedChi, the Maryland State Medical Society. In episode six, Dr. Stephen Rockower hosts Dr. Gary Pushkin, an Orthopedic Surgeon based in Baltimore. Dr. Pushkin shares his insider's view on MedChi's Opioid taskforce, and his time as President of MedChi. Well before he became MedChi President in 2018, Dr Gary Pushkin was passionate about educating physicians about the dangers of overprescribing opioids. In 2017, Dr. Pushkin founded MedChi’s first Opioid Task Force, an interdisciplinary workgroup that aimed to evaluate, develop, and share balanced, evidence-based, and effective responses to the opioid epidemic in Maryland.
Then, stick around for a look at the debate on restrictive covenants and other issues in medicine in Maryland.
You'll find it all right here, on MedCast.
Be sure to tune in next time!